Facebook Posts
4 years ago
MEMORIAL VIDEO FOR THE HEAD HONCHO OF MSP: Paul McCarthyHello all, Shane here.
I wanted to post the video recorded of my father's wake last Sunday for those unable to attend. Thanks to all who made it happen. This is one of 3 wakes, the next, and last, being in Salem NH, July 25th.
the MSP page will always be up, as an archive of the coast for the last decade, but this will serve as the last post, as Dad WAS this page. Thank you for understanding.
youtu.be/GhXVzkEsmBg ... See MoreSee Less

4 years ago
Hello Everyone,It's hard to believe its already been a month. Even though I'm still working through things, I wanted to update you on the future of this page.
I decided MSP will not be carried on by myself or another, but be a memorial in itself of the work my dad did. I couldn't bring myself to systemically delete every conversation (one by one) that he had over this decade of the page which would need to be done If I where to share editor access.
So Instead, a new news-sharing page will carry on the legacy of what my dad started:
Mendocino News Plus www.facebook.com/MendocinoNewsPlus/
I've had a lot of help from volunteers getting this set up, but the page is still in its infancy, and it will take time for it to find its rhythm. It will grow and evolve and I'm sure there will be some growing pains, but my hope is this will become a great community resource for you, to help fill the absence of my dad's style of reporting.
There will be multiple editors covering different beats, as well as cross pollination with other news outlets to try and make this a great hub for breaking news involving the local community.
Please give it a like and a follow.
Again, thank you for all of your support.
Shane ... See MoreSee Less
In the spirit of Paul McCarthy's MendocinoSportsPlus, this page aims to celebrate Mendocino County j4 years ago
Hey everyone,If you didn't know already, my dad was a huge supporter of Club Cardinal and Mendocino Highschool athletics. He would volunteer to help pick candidates for the scholarships almost every year, if not every year.
Club cardinal has renamed their Cardinal Scholarship after my dad in dedication and honor of his support over the years, and I think its truly a great way to remember him.
My dad really found purpose in helping the youth on the coast, encouraging them and finding ways to support them in his own way, and I think this scholarship will help carry the spirit of that mission.
There are plenty of folks asking how you can help me. Personally. I think you can best do that just by supporting your communities. To continue the spirit of the work either by donating or showing up for your local community in some way you may not typically.
If you want details on how you can support the scholarship named after my father, please read the post below.
Thank you, and take care.
Shane ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.4 years ago
An update: MSP CONTINUATION, MEMORIAL, THE DOG:I wanted to take a moment to answer some remaining questions I've been asked lately. Apologies for the long format.
1. "What will happen with MSP?"
It's going to continue in some capacity, but not by me directly taking my dad's place. My original role in MSP was minimal- occasional technical support. I work a full time job and would not be able to service this page beyond admin duties.
So MSP will either Aggregate the news from other pages passing the news torch, or have volunteer editors take up a specific beat to report on MSP directly, so that the work is distributed and frequently reported. Before that, I would need to delete all the Messages DM'd to MSP to protect the confidentiality of user submissions and tips.
The majority of you wanted MSP to continue, even if it will never be the same.
A fair amount reached out to me privately asking that should it continue it should NOT be under the MSP name.
I think both of these thoughts are valid.
The news shouldn't disappear with one person, but MSP was, and always is a thing built and driven by my dad.
I want to make sure we get the continuation right so it will be awhile before MSP comes back.
In the mean time, I will pin alternative local news pages in the interim so you can stay plugged in. If I miss any, please let me know.
2."Are you holding a Memorial for Paul? When is it?"
Yes, but not anytime soon.
Probably next year. I am profoundly uncomfortable holding a memorial with even the remote possibility that one of you could get sick from it. It will also give me time to plan something special he would have liked.
3. "How is the Dog? What happened to him?"
I've rehomed Willie and he is doing well. Getting Willie taken care of was one of my first priorities, and it is very difficult to find a place for a male dog that still needs to be fixed (in a time when getting that done takes months...).
He now is settled in a home where he will be fed well and have all his needs looked after. I will still be able to visit him when I come back to the coast so it's the best outcome I think.
Thank you for your patience and support in this time.
The sudden passing of my father has been very difficult, and the timing between the fires, Covid pandemic, my work, has complicated an already hard situation.
Take care, and stay safe.
Shane ... See MoreSee Less
4 years ago
Hello Everyone,Thank you again for all your support , shared stories, and condolences. This has been on of the most difficult weeks of my life so I appreciate your patience.
I've gotten a lot of the same questions over the last week, so I wanted to answer them here rather than answer each one in DM's.
1. What was the cause of Paul's passing?
In short: heart failure. He had cardiovascular hypertension which likely contributed to his condition. That's about has much detail as I feel like sharing on social media, as this is still very raw for me.
2. What happened to the dog, the border collie?
We are taking care of Willie in Elk right now. I check in and play with him nearly every day when I'm not driving up and down the coast taking care of things. That dog has been through a lot, and I am still deciding on the best course of action for him.
3. What will happen to MSP?
This has been a tough one. It's undoubtable that MSP has provided a valuable resource to the community, and its absence has left a hole where news once was.
It would be a waste to let it languish, But if continued it simply would not be the same.
A group of folks have volunteered to split the posting to MSP, should I decide to keep it going and share access.
So what do you all think? Would you be okay with MSP continuing, as a community effort? Let me know below. If support is overwhelming, we will go from there as best we can.
Thank you for your continued support and patience.
Shane ... See MoreSee Less